PIG Rating: 9.5

ok, I failed at the first hurdle and didn’t manage to finish Pigling Bland by the end of January. I was going to spend last weekend working on it, and then get it framed so I could feel ultra smug. Instead, spent the weekend away at the SBOH’s place enjoying myself. Serves me right, as mysteriously lost my phone somewhere between the flat and the car… Got home on Monday to find the boiler not working… And so it goes on.

Having to console myself by managing to set up another couple of pages on the blog (frankly, a major achievement). Just don’t get me started on how frustrating and time-consuming WordPress and ‘Elementor’ are. Just when you think it’s all looking good, it won’t publish the way you want it to. That’s why the acronym page looks a bit rubbish. Talk about PIG Rating 9.5! But hey ho, it’s all Work In Progress (WIP).

Right, enough blether, back to that embroidery…

Pigs might fly

Piggling Bland has got his bag packed and he’s off on his travels. Just as soon as he’s finished…
…and here’s Johnny Townmouse finished late last year. He’s been waiting patiently for me to finish Piggling Bland so that they can be framed together.

Pigling Bland

First one off the PIG list is, appropriately enough, Pigling Bland. This embroidery in long and short stitch is intended to be the companion piece to Johnny Town Mouse so that they can be framed in the same way and hung on the wall facing each other. It’s been on the frame since maybe October last year, when I made quite good progress but sadly fell by the wayside, due to Christmas, work, the lurgy, other distractions etc etc). Got to get it completed by the end of January and it is already the 24th!! On Saturday I’ll be near my favourite framing shop. That gives me approximately 3 days to fit it around work and domestics. No pressure at all then. I am calm. Keep calm. BREATHE!

First off the PIG list is Piggling Bland